Latest from Burns Pest Elimination

Is There a Difference Between German and American Cockroaches?
There’s no shortage of cockroaches in Arizona. In fact, there are several species common to the area. All roaches are cringe-worthy and send many people running for their brooms, but when you see a roach in your home, it’s helpful to know exactly what to expect and how to deal with the problem. The most […]

Get to Know Your Arizona Rat
Identifying and Understanding Common Arizona Rats Rats can make cute and cuddly friends when you pick them up at the pet store, but it’s another story when rodents show up at your house uninvited. Wild rats can damage your home, wreak havoc on your garden and even pose health threats to your family. The warm […]

Are Pack Rats the Most Damaging Force in the Sonoran Desert?
To pack rats, everything is a “collector’s item.” Arizonans often use the term “pack rat” to describe people who collect too many belongings. Until they invade your home, it’s easy to forget that pack rats are also highly-destructive animals. These large nocturnal rodents feature big ears, furry tails and multicolored hair. They like to collect things […]

Monsoon Season to Bring a Plight of Toads and Frogs!
Monsoon season in the Tucson and Phoenix areas means an influx of water, flickering lights and messy roads. Of course, the heavy rains of the season also bring many toads and frogs out into the open. Eager to gorge on the bugs available during monsoons, these amphibians cause serious problems for some home and business […]

The Crane Fly: Is It the Ally You Were Hoping For?
The mosquito is probably the most universally hated insect in the world, so anything that we believe will kill it is sure to win favor. One such creature is a long-legged, winged insect with a bumbling flight path and a wispy, delicate frame. It’s called a crane fly, but many people refer to it as […]

Arizona Scorpions: Get to Know the Dangerous Pest
When it comes to pest-related panic attacks, Arizona scorpions are probably one of the state’s top causes. Knowing how to recognize the most threatening species won’t make scorpions seem any less creepy, but it could help you avoid the health consequences associated with a dangerous sting. Although more than 50 species call Arizona home, here […]

Terrible Termites: 5 Hidden Health Dangers of Wood-Eating Pests
Homes in southwestern cities like Tucson and Phoenix are especially prone to termite infestations. A termite colony can devour all wooden structures in a home, including wood furniture, in three to five years. Although these bugs are highly destructive, their objective is not to hurt humans. Rather, they want a steady source of food. However, […]

5 Things You Never Knew Were Attracting Roaches
If you’re like the typical homeowner, you want your home to be warm and welcoming to your family and friends. However, Arizona cockroaches are probably not on your preferred guest list. Most people associate roach infestations with dirty, unkempt houses, but neglected counter-tops and unwashed dishes aren’t the only things that make a home appealing […]

A Pest Control Plan for Healthcare Facilities
How It Happens and How to Prevent It No place is immune to pests, and that includes healthcare facilities. Bugs spread disease and contaminate surfaces, equipment and supplies. They carry bacteria that they distribute throughout a facility as they move from one area to another. The larger the facility, the more at risk that facility […]