Category: Cockroaches

Can Cockroaches Fly?
From the occasional big cockroach darting through your kitchen to smaller species hiding in corners, roaches are, unfortunately, a common sight in urban environments. With long, fast legs and a hard exoskeleton, roaches are among the hardiest pests you’ll likely encounter. Many of the most common species also have wings, so this raises the question: […]

How Dangerous Is a Cockroach Infestation Really?
Cockroach infestations can be more than just an annoying nuisance — they can be downright dangerous. Cockroaches are incredibly unsanitary, with the ability to spread hazardous bacteria, viruses, and parasites around your home or business, leading to disease and other health risks. This pest can also cause structural damages to your property, while emitting odors […]

Areas of Your Home That Cockroaches Prefer
With warm climate conditions year-round, it’s easy to see why cockroaches in Arizona feel right at home. Known for their propensity to eat almost anything and hide almost anywhere, roaches look for three main things when searching for a place to nest: access to food, moisture, and heat — making residential houses a popular destination […]

The Most Effective Ways to Keep Roaches at Bay
How to Slow Down Determined Invaders They move so fast that it’s hard to believe their sprint across your kitchen floor only clocks in at 3 miles per hour. If they were your size, roaches would storm through the house at a scary 210 miles per hour. How can a harried homeowner slow down these […]
The Real Reason Your House is Overrun with Roaches
Are You Inadvertently Inviting Roaches Into Your Home? Unless you live with a hungry iguana, a cockroach is probably one of the last things you ever want to see in your home. These resilient pests are always looking for a new home, and once they’ve established themselves in your home, they’re like a bad guest […]

Summer Heat Brings Roaches in to Play
Summer is when you enjoy the great outdoors, soak up the sun and float in the pool. Unfortunately, while you’re out having a blast, cockroaches may be sneaking into your home to throw their own summer parties inside your pantry or under your sink. If it seems like you get more unwanted visits from cockroaches […]

Cockroaches Will Outlive Us All
There’s little doubt that cockroaches are tough. This fast-moving insect has remained in existence for at least 300 million years. However, we sometimes hear claims that seem a little far-fetched. Could this bug really endure a hurricane, volcanic eruption or nuclear war? We decided to conduct some research and find the truth. What Can They Survive? People […]

Is There a Difference Between German and American Cockroaches?
There’s no shortage of cockroaches in Arizona. In fact, there are several species common to the area. All roaches are cringe-worthy and send many people running for their brooms, but when you see a roach in your home, it’s helpful to know exactly what to expect and how to deal with the problem. The most […]

5 Things You Never Knew Were Attracting Roaches
If you’re like the typical homeowner, you want your home to be warm and welcoming to your family and friends. However, Arizona cockroaches are probably not on your preferred guest list. Most people associate roach infestations with dirty, unkempt houses, but neglected counter-tops and unwashed dishes aren’t the only things that make a home appealing […]