Category: Rodents

The Truth About Dealing With Rats
Avoid these risky rodent control errors! Roof rats invade numerous buildings in Nevada and Arizona. Norway rats occasionally do the same, but they remain rare in this part of the country. Both species can cause serious problems. They spread diseases, contaminate food, destroy insulation and spark fires by chewing on electrical wiring. If you encounter an infestation, […]

Why Do Rodents Invade in the Winter?
When Cooler Temperatures Roll In, So Do Pesky Rodents No matter the size of your home, finding rats or mice hiding out is never fun. After all, these pesky critters can cause a wealth of comfort and health problems. Winter can be a particularly tough time for homeowners who are dealing with rodent infestations as furry pests […]

Sniffing Out Rats and Mice: How to Find Favorite Rodent Hideouts
Rats and mice might be cute in the movies, but in real life, they present a serious threat to your home and health. Contaminated food, unsanitary droppings, chewed wiring and the risk of rodent-borne diseases make rodents some of the most unwelcome house guests in the world. The sneaky little fellows must know how we humans feel […]

Get to Know Your Arizona Rat
Identifying and Understanding Common Arizona Rats Rats can make cute and cuddly friends when you pick them up at the pet store, but it’s another story when rodents show up at your house uninvited. Wild rats can damage your home, wreak havoc on your garden and even pose health threats to your family. The warm […]

Are Pack Rats the Most Damaging Force in the Sonoran Desert?
To pack rats, everything is a “collector’s item.” Arizonans often use the term “pack rat” to describe people who collect too many belongings. Until they invade your home, it’s easy to forget that pack rats are also highly-destructive animals. These large nocturnal rodents feature big ears, furry tails and multicolored hair. They like to collect things […]