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I found a scorpion in my Arizona home. Are there more?


The Southwestern United States is no stranger to pests all throughout the year. Desert regions in particular see a lot of a certain critter variety: the scorpion. Though a common household nuisance, they have a bigger reputation than many of their peers.

Fortunately, scorpions can pose less of a problem if you know how to deal with them promptly. Burns Pest Elimination has put together a guide for getting rid of scorpions in your home, how to find them, and whether or not they’re a threat to your safety.

Are Scorpions Dangerous?

In short, most scorpions are not an urgent threat for most people. Of course, nobody wants to be stuck by their notorious stinger, but unless you’re allergic to scorpion venom, this is not a lethal concern. If you are stung by a scorpion, you can expect swelling and pain not unlike a bee sting.

Children and elderly individuals are more susceptible to the deadly effects of venom. Even then, it’s a good rule of thumb to immediately consult a medical professional for recommendations to help avoid most problematic situations.

Generally, scorpions don’t like you much, either, and have found themselves near you by accident. They usually only sting when panicked, such as if they’re accidentally crushed after taking sanctuary in your shoes, gloves, or other places where scorpions hide. It’s always a wise idea to check for their presence in dark places. You might just avoid a sting!

Does One Scorpion Mean More?

Spotting a single scorpion inside your home does not necessarily mean you have a large population or full-blown infestation on your hands. However, this indicates the pests are getting inside somehow—and that more scorpions can easily follow in their footsteps. Also, seeing any baby scorpions may be a sign of a larger nest nearby.

Scorpion Pest Control Tips

So, how do you deal with a scorpion infestation once you know they’re in your home? Here’s a few scorpion control measures that can discourage or remove them, as necessary.

Eliminate Food Sources

The scorpion’s diet consists of insects like ants and roaches, so to remove the scorpion’s targets, you’ll have to perform some general bug control.

Start by taking care of your food immediately after eating it. This means doing dishes so bugs don’t gather and cleaning up crumbs. As an extra step, make sure your floors, closets, and crawl spaces remain dry. Standing water, whether free or in containers, may attract scorpions or bugs looking for a drink.

Close off Entry Points

Although it’s impossible to seal off every inch of your home from the outdoors, a thorough pass with some caulk to repair holes and cracks will go a long way in managing scorpions—which can slip through incredibly tight spaces. Be mindful of every little thing, including weather stripping on doors and ensuring windows are tightly closed with unbroken screens (all effective general pest deterrents).

Use Traps, Sprays, and Predators

A few different approaches can be taken if you’re interested in a more active countermeasure against scorpions.

You could implement sticky traps, insecticides, borax, or diatomaceous earth in key locations throughout your home (dark places, beneath your floorboards, under sinks, etc.) in an effort to poison or trap scorpions. Do your research to ensure your insecticides aren’t toxic to humans or pets.

Want to get creative with biological measures? Try introducing a predator. Cats and chickens are just a couple of common creatures you can use to hunt down scorpions within or around your home.

Leave Regular Scorpion Control to the Pros

If you need a professional hand to address scorpions in your Arizona home, Burns Pest Elimination offers reliable scorpion control in service areas such as Phoenix, Peoria, and Tempe along with Las Vegas, NV. Reach out to us for a free pest control quote or additional advice on how to prevent scorpions from taking over your property.

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