Summer in Arizona is the perfect time to emerge from your homes and explore the many sites and attractions. From the exciting summer activities in Phoenix to the calming views of the Grand Canyon, summer is the time for exploring. Unfortunately, this is also the perfect time for bugs to begin exploring your home, bringing various diseases and destruction with them. Without a solid prevention plan in place, it can be overwhelming once pests start entering your home. Here are the pests to be most aware of during the summer in Arizona and some preventive measures you can take before calling your local Burns Pest Elimination.
Common Summer Pests in Arizona
Pest control in major cities such as Phoenix and Tucson is imperative to keeping your home safe. No one wants to skip summer activities due to illness or be forced to take on a house repair due to pest disease and damage. Below are the five most common pests to watch out for this summer and how you can keep them away from your home.

Scorpions (Particularly Bark Scorpions)
The bark scorpion is the most active in the Phoenix Valley during summer. It is important to remain vigilant when participating in any outdoor activity and check your surroundings for scorpions. It is also good to seal up any cracks around your home to prevent scorpions from entering through the outside. Bark scorpions have the ability to fit into a space that is 1/16 of an inch, so make sure to seal up even the smallest of cracks.
Bark scorpions are also looking for places to hide in the summer. Make sure to clear any debris from your yard and keep your yard nicely trimmed. For a natural repellent, a mixture of lavender or cedar essential oils with water is said to be a good repellent to spray around window sills and other openings. Lastly, always shake out shoes, clothes, and other materials after you have been outside, and wear gloves when dealing with firewood, rocks, or debris. For help identifying bark scorpions, visit our page on Scorpion Control Services for features to look out for.
It is never a welcome sight to find cockroaches crawling around your home, especially when hosting a summer party or gathering. The best way to prevent these creatures from entering your home is to focus your efforts on the kitchen. Cockroaches enjoy any sort of food scrap they can feed on, so make sure your kitchen is free of any crumbs and that your food is always tightly sealed. Wipe up counters and sweep up floors whenever you are able to. Cockroaches also tend to gravitate toward leaky faucets and sinks for a place to satisfy their thirst. Check for any leaks around your home that need to be sealed up.
Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and ticks come out in full force from May through August. If you have a pet, be sure to keep them on a good flea and tick prevention medication and check their fur frequently. It is also good practice to vacuum and wash bed sheets often to prevent flea and tick infestations. If you have been in an area with tall grass, make sure to check for ticks around your feet and ankles.
If you are looking to add new plants to your garden to assist in keeping these pests away, good ones to consider are garden sage, rosemary, sweet basil, and more. These plants give off an odor that is unpleasant to fleas and ticks while still being safe for dogs and cats. If you are unsure whether you are dealing with fleas or ticks, check out our pages on fleas and ticks for identifying features.
Now, most spiders in general are considered a beneficial predator, and aren’t necessarily dangerous — in fact, they can help keep the presence of other insects in your home under control. However, tarantulas are not only frightening to look at, but can be dangerous to have around pets. Given the size difference between tarantulas and other types of spiders, it is much harder for tarantulas to enter a home unnoticed — nonetheless, it is still important to remain vigilant when trying to prevent these creatures from entering your home. If you have your doors or windows open at any point during the day, but especially at night, make sure to have a screen over the openings. Like most other pests, it is important to stay on top of cleaning and making sure there is not an excess of water around your home. Keep the clutter to a minimum and make sure your trash can is sealed tightly to prevent tarantulas from crawling in.
It is very easy for bedbugs to spread once an infestation has happened. No one wants to wake up to bites from these pests all over their body. If you are traveling over the summer for vacation or other events, check the room you are staying in to prevent bringing bedbugs back to your own home. You also want to make sure to wash everything you took with you when you return home.
In your home, it is important not to store things underneath your bed if at all possible. If you do need to store items there, make sure to use plastic containers rather than leaving them out. You will also want to wash your sheets once a week at the highest possible temperature. Bedbugs and their eggs could potentially be killed off by the high temperatures. Lastly, sweep and vacuum your home regularly to potentially get rid of any that may have entered your home. For assistance identifying what a bedbug looks like, check out our page on bedbugs.
General Preventive Measures
While the above tips and tricks will help with those specific pests, the following are measures you can take for all summer pest prevention:
- Keep the outside of your home clean and tidy. Grass should be cut short and debris should be cleaned up along with trash, leaves, and woodpiles.
- Seal up any outside entrances into your home. Most pests will try to enter your home any way they can. Vents are a common entry point for many pests. Check screens around your home, including door, window, and vent screens.
- Don’t leave food out, and try to keep it covered if bringing it outside for events such as graduation parties, family barbecues, or other outdoor party events.
- Keep the inside of your home clutter-free. Many pests will hide in any area they can find. Eliminating places for them to hide can cause them to retreat.
- Eliminate excess moisture around your home. Many bugs go looking for water first when entering your home. Clearing your home of any puddles or standing water could drive them away. Be aware of overwatering your grass as well.
- Remember to also check your garage and shed for pests or places they could hide.
- In addition to eliminating things from your home, you may consider adding a few items to the outside such as a bird feeder. Birds eat many insects and could help lower the number of insects entering your home.

Spraying Your Home for Pests
While the above preventive measures have shown success, spraying your home is the best defense against these pesky pests. However, most are unsure where and how often to spray to keep your home protected.
Should I prioritize spraying indoors or outdoors?
Spraying both indoors and outdoors is ideal for optimal results. However, if you are going to prioritize one over the other, spraying outdoors is best to keep bugs from entering your home.
How often should I spray my home?
For most homes, it is recommended to spray bimonthly for best pest prevention. However, some homeowners opt for quarterly spraying if they do not have a large pest problem in their area. If you live in an area with a lot of open land, you may consider spraying more often.
Book an appointment with Burns Pest Elimination for reliable pest prevention in Arizona.
Call Your Local Burns Pest Elimination for Pest Control Services
Don’t let a pest infestation ruin your summer fun. Take steps to prevent pests from entering your home and let us help you in your fight against pests. For more tips and tricks on pest prevention, check out our blog or contact Burns Pest Elimination to get a free quote today.