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What to Do About Bee Hives – Remove or Preserve?

Beekeeper doing an inspection in a suit.
Before taking any action against bees, wasps or other social insects, you need to know exactly what you’re dealing with. Identifying the species in question is always the first step. To get started, talk to a Burns Pest Elimination expert today.

When you see beehives or roving swarms, it’s understandable that your first instinct might be to call a bee exterminator. Bees can be pretty scary, and many people have trouble differentiating between honeybees and stinging wasps. In most cases, however, it’s better to favor preservation instead of killing beehives.

Beehives play vital roles in keeping the environment livable, and when treated with respect, most aren’t a threat. Here are some tips on eco-conscious bee hive removal. Also, when Bees are in a non-threating location we can inquire into the option of performing a Bee Relocation service in which the bees are not harmed.

Why Are Bees Beneficial?

Bees survive by consuming pollen and nectar from a range of flowering plants. In the process, they transfer pollen between individual flowers of the same species, which allows the plants to reproduce.

Along with bats and birds, bees perform pollination activities that affect 35 percent of all crops grown worldwide. Although certain species could still survive without bees, they’d produce far less food for humans and other animals. We’d also lose the ability to enjoy products like honey. Without healthy flowers, many birds and insects would have to give up their habitats, resulting in widespread ecosystem collapse and food chain disruption.

Responsible Bee Hive Removal

Of course, bees may pose a risk to those who are allergic or to families that have to share their home or yard with a hive. There are many ways to take care of such problems, but they’re not all equally advantageous.

To some people, spraying pesticides seems like the obvious bee removal option, but this should only be a last-ditch resort. Pesticides have known negative health effects and the potential to kill other species that fulfill vital niches in the local environment.

As a better alternative, try calling a bee relocation expert such as Burns Pest Elimination. We can work with beekeepers and bee removal companies can move hives to new locations where they’re not as likely to clash with humans. For instance, pest control specialists who use vacuums designed to capture bees without hurting them can remove small hives in easily accessible areas. If you notice a migratory bee swarm before it builds a new hive, it will be easier to remove.

In many cases, it’s best to leave honeybees alone. After taking up residence inside one of your walls, they might be perfectly content to coexist peacefully. If you decide to plug the holes that they use to enter and exit or spray toxic poisons, they could be forced to flee via alternate routes, such as those leading into your home.

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