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Protect Your Family’s Health with Integrated Pest Management

Burns Pest Elimination employee.

Healthy, Common-Sense Pest Control For Your Home

There’s nothing like the thought of pests running amok in your home to make everyone in the family run for cover. If you suspect bugs, spiders or rodents have invaded your property, you may be concerned about using pest control products to eliminate the problem. Read on to find out why the pest control experts at Burns Pest Elimination recommend integrated pest management to keep infestations at bay.

Protect Your Health

Many pests cause painful bites or stings and even serious illnesses. Blood-sucking bed bugs produce irritating red spots and can spark allergic reactions. Some people experience increased asthma symptoms from exposure to particles left behind by cockroaches. Fatalities can even occur after people allergic to bees are stung. And the feces of deer mice can expose people to the potentially deadly Hantavirus. Although the latter cases are uncommon, it’s clear that proper pest prevention and control methods are essential to keeping household members, pets and guests healthy and safe.

A Healthy Approach to Pest Control

Although most commercial pesticides are safe if applied properly by a well-trained technician, this type of pest management limits the use of chemicals. By identifying pests around your property and assessing the threat they pose, technicians can determine whether the use of pest control treatments is needed. This approach focuses heavily on keeping bugs and other pests away by making your house and landscaping less attractive. Weatherizing, storing food properly, getting rid of clutter and eliminating standing water are a few of the preventive measures your pest control professional might recommend. Even pests’ natural enemies, from pathogens to predators, can become part of an integrated pest management strategy.

Long-Term Value

It’s only natural to be concerned about the cost of your treatment plan. This type of strategy saves you money over the long haul by eliminating pest problems and preventing future infestations. Besides reducing costly health risks, you’ll spend less on maintaining a pest-free home in the coming months and years. You can even save money by avoiding food waste and damage to your home and its contents by rodents and insects.

Protect your household from the scourge of ants, mice, rats, cockroaches, bed bugs, stinging insects and other pests. Whether your home is overrun or you’ve had a few sightings, calling a team of trusted pest control pros can save you money and help keep your family healthy. Call Burns Pest Elimination today, and ask how integrated pest management can keep all kinds of pests at bay in a sustainable way.

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