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Common Bird Problems Inside the Home

Technician on roof installing bird prevention.

How to Keep Winged Wildlife on the Other Side of the Window

Outdoor spaces just aren’t the same without colorful, chirping birds that flutter and dance before our eyes. Unfortunately, birds have a troublesome habit of getting into indoor spaces that aren’t made for wild animals. The problem is especially acute during the cool season. If you’re dealing with bird problems in the home, you need to know what causes indoor bird infestations and what you can do about them.

Why Do Birds Come Inside?

Birds come inside for many different reasons. In some cases, indoor spaces mimic birds’ natural habitats or provide suitable, sheltered locations for the construction of nests or perches.

In other cases, carnivorous birds follow small animals like mice inside. With a steady supply of prey, they find it easier to remain inside than brave the uncertain outside world.

Even birds that don’t hunt indoor pests may be drawn to easily accessible food sources, including grains and seeds, inside the home.

Common Pest Species

Birds tend to spend more time indoors during the cool season. Some of the most common pest species inside Arizona homes include:

How to Handle Birds Inside the Home

It can be overwhelming and even frightening to deal with birds inside the home. Fortunately, there are a number of proven strategies that can help mitigate the problem:

Protect Your Home Against Birds in Phoenix and Tucson

Unfortunately, birds are tenacious creatures. Depending on the extent of your home’s indoor bird problems, you might not be able to get rid of them at all without some professional assistance. If you’d like to make your home’s indoor spaces bird-free once more, request a quote to learn more about our pest control services.

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