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Arizona Pigeons’ Breeding, Feeding, and Nesting Habits

Generally regarded as a nuisance, pigeons in Arizona and beyond can pester those who live in cities and suburban areas alike. In order to combat their annoying presence, it’s important to understand the pigeon lifespan, including their breeding and nesting habits, so you know how to handle them.

Burns Pest Elimination is here to help you. The following primer will tackle nuances of the pigeon species and provide you a solution to removing them if they’ve made themselves uninvited guests around your home.

Pigeon Mating and Breeding

Pigeons mate in pairs, and when they do it is always for life. Pigeon mating is a year-round occurrence, featuring two peak seasons: first between March and June, and again from August to November. A brood of eggs will begin to hatch approximately 18 days after they are laid, and incubation begins after the second egg of the clutch is added to the nest.

Most of the time, the male covers the eggs during the day, while the female watches over them at night. The pair will feed the young an increasingly complex diet over the first week and a half of the newborn’s lifespan. By the end of the first month of their life, the young squabs will be fully prepared and capable of ongoing flight.

Where Do Pigeons Nest?

When building their nests, pigeons often search for flat surfaces that aren’t exposed to the elements. This includes areas like windowsills, under rooftops that provide cover, balconies, and ledges, though they’ll also make their home under eaves, in attics, beneath bridges, and various other locales.

The chief construction materials used to make these nests include grass stems, pine needles, roots, small twigs, and leaves. The center of the nest is left hollow for the eventual eggs that will be laid there.

Pigeon nests are usually pretty clean, with new materials placed on top of old material after a brood has fully grown. If not dealt with, the size of these nests can grow to enormous sizes over time, with nests a few years old being as large as 7 inches and as heavy as 5 pounds or more.

You may have heard of the term “homing pigeons”, which comes from the fact that this bird will always return to the location they were born in, no matter where they are taken or whether their nest is still there or not. Because of this it can be difficult to fully eradicate a pigeon problem on your own. Put your trust in the professionals to trap and remove this pest from your property humanely.

Pigeon Removal in Phoenix and Las Vegas

Have you found your house playing host to some unwanted pigeon visitors? Know that you’re not alone — and you’re not without options. Burns Pest Elimination knows all the pigeon roosting habits, how to find them, and how to make them leave you alone.

If you need help with your pigeon problem, you can always fill out our online form for a free quote. With a wide range of bird control services available, our professional team of pest experts are ready to tackle the issue until you’re satisfied. Contact us virtually or give Burns Pest Elimination a call today!

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